

Right from the start, you have the power to shape the restaurant's personality to your liking by customizing the screens and icons. We make signing up easy and secure with Apple's Open Authorization or super-convenient SMS authentication. They can explore as a Guest by selecting the “Continue as a Guest” option if they want to peek around first. Plus, we'll keep you updated with our Forced Update feature.

Customization Options:

Customizable App Icons and Screens

Let your creativity flow! Pick an icon that speaks to the heart of your chosen restaurants. You can also choose from ready-made templates or craft your onboarding screens to feel your favorite restaurant's vibes.

Joining the app has never been smoother. The Apple O-Auth, allows customers to join your app with a single tap. This secure and convenient process enhances their experience, ensuring they stay connected hassle-free.

Registering with Apple O-Auth
Registering with SMS Authentication

Safety first! Simplify registration with SMS authentication, a safer alternative to email. It also safeguards your customers' data, building


Business Impact

Enhanced Brand Identity

Give your restaurant’s identity a power-up with a unique app icon and catchy customization features, making a lasting impact on users and reinforcing brand recognition.

Guest Accessibility

Increase accessibility with the "Continue as Guest" feature. This feature opens the door for more users to explore your app without any strings attached. It's like giving them a sneak peek and turning curious visitors into loyal customers.

Forced App Updates

With the Forced Update feature, ensure that all users are on the latest version of your app. That way, you can create a consistent and up-to-date experience, keeping things secure and running like a well-oiled machine.