Send emails with your custom domain

Creating a Sendgrid account is a prerequisite for sending emails from a custom domain.


  1. Log in to your Per Diem merchant dashboard.
  2. From the left bar in your dashboard, select "Integrations."
  3. Under SendGrid integration, click on "Create a Sender."
  4.  Fill out the form with the correct details and hit "Save."
  5. A verification email will be sent to you.
  6. Go to your email to complete the verification process.
  7. Make sure you're logged in to your SendGrid account.
  8. Refresh the page in your Per Diem merchant dashboard to get the latest data once the verification process is done.
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Fill the Form

Ensure accurate details for effective email communication:

Step 1

Fill out the form with the correct details and hit "Save."

Verification Process

Verify your custom email sender through the following steps:

Step 1

A verification email will be sent to you.

Step 2

Go to your email to complete the verification process.

Step 3

Make sure you're logged in to your SendGrid account.

Refresh your Dashboard

Refresh the page in your Per Diem merchant dashboard to get the latest data once the verification process is done.